Curriculum Vitae
Albert John Schmidt
Washington D.C.

Birth: Louisville, Kentucky, August 27, 1925


  • Louisville Male High School, diploma, 1943
  • DePauw University, A.B., History (U.S.), cum laude, 1949
  • University of St. Andrews, Scotland (European history), Summer, 1948
  • University of Pennsylvania, M.A. History, 1950
  • University College, University of London, Fulbright Scholarship, 1952–53
  • University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., History, 1953

Post-Doctoral Education:

  • Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University, National Defense Education Act Scholarship for Russian language and Russian and East European Area Studies, 1960–61
  • Moscow University, Intercultural Exchange (IREX), Spring 1962
  • Harvard Business School, Program in Educational Management, Summer, 1974
  • New York University Law School; scholarship for liberal arts faculty teaching legal history, 1981–82

Employment and Rank:

  • U.S. Army Air Forces (Sgt.), World War II, 1944–46
    • Radio operator, New Guinea, and the Philippines, Far Eastern and 13th Army Air Forces, 1945–46
  • United Nations Intern, Lake Success, NY, Summer, 1950
  • Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA, assistant professor– professor, 1953–65
  • University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT
    • Arnold J.Bernhard Professor of History, 1965–88
    • Chair, Department of History, 1965–72
    • Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, 1972–76
    • Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1976–78
    • Professor of Law, 1978–90
    • Arnold J. Bernhard Professor Emeritus of History and Professor Emeritus of Law, 1990–
  • Quinnipiac University, College of Law, Hamden, CT
    • Professor Emeritus of Law, 1990–

Other Appointments

  • Reader, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, Summer, 1960
  • Director, National Defense Education Act (NDEA) Institutes for Secondary School
    Teachers in Non-Western (Asian, African, Near Eastern) History, University of
    Bridgeport, Summers 1967, 1968, 1969, and 1970
  • Research Associate/Visiting Scholar, Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies,
    George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1992–
  • Election Supervisor, U.S. Department of State; Bosnia, 1997, 1998; Kosovo, 2000
  • Lecturer, University of Lviv, Ukraine, November 1998
  • George Washington University, adjunct professor, Honors Program, Spring 2003


  • American Historical Association (life member), 1950–

Academic Awards and Honors:

  • Albert J. Beverage Fellowship (awarded by DePauw University for graduate study in history), University of Pennsylvania, 1949
  • Fulbright Scholarship, University of London, 1952–53
  • NDEA Postdoctoral Fellowship, Indiana University Russian & East European Institute, 1960-61
  • Intercultural Exchange Fellow (IREX), USSR, 1961–62
  • Research grant, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), 1963
  • Phi Kappa Phi (scholarly honorary society) c. 1962
  • Research grants from American Philosophical Society (APS), 1965, 1966, 1984
  • Scholar of the Year, University of Bridgeport, 1969
  • Fulbright Lectureship, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India (declined)
  • Fellowship, Harvard University Business School, Summer, 1974
  • Fellowship, New York University Law School, 1981–82
  • Mellon Research Grants, University of Bridgeport, 1986, 1987
  • Mellon Fellowship, Huntington Library for research in English legal history, Spring 1990
  • Lectureship, University of Lviv, Ukraine (funded by George Washington University), November 1998



The Yeoman in Tudor and Stuart England. Washington, DC: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1961.

Giles Fletcher. Of the Rus Commonwealth. Edited by Albert J. Schmidt. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library, 1966.

The Architecture and Planning of Classical Moscow: A Cultural History. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1989.

The Impact of Perestroika on Soviet Law. Edited by Albert J. Schmidt. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 41. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1990.

Unpublished Manuscripts:

“Provincial Russian Urbanism: Shaping Catherine the Great’s Imperial Space (1760–96).”

“Chronicle of My Life and Times: 1914–Present.”

“Collective Memory, Architectural Monuments, and the Crisis in Soviet Culture,” revised paper, originally presented to the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August 24–28, 1988.

Academic Articles:

“A Treatise on England’s Perils, 1578,” by Thomas Wilson; edited and annotated by Albert J. Schmidt. Archiv fur Reformations-geschichte vol. 46 (1955): 243-249.

“Thomas Wilson, Tudor Scholar-Statesman.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 3 (May 1957): 205–218.

“A Household Inventory, 1581.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 101, no. 5 (October 31, 1957): 459–480.

“Some Notes on Dr. Thomas Wilson and his Lincolnshire Connections.” The Lincolnshire Historian, vol. 2, no. 4 (1957): 14–24.

“Blazing a Trail to Higher Education.” In The Heritage of the Middle West. Edited by John J. Murray. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958.

“A European Commentary on Kentucky and Kentuckians, ‘CIRCA’ 1825.” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, vol. 57, no. 3 (July 1959): 243–256.

“Thomas Wilson and the Tudor Commonwealth: An Essay in Civic Humanism.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 1 (November 1959): 49–60.

“A European Commentary on Kentucky and Kentuckians, ‘CIRCA’ 1825.” Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, vol. 57, no. 3 (July 1959): 243–256.

“New Perspectives in the Teaching of History in College,” The Eleusis of Chi Omega (1960).

“A Humanist Describes and Prescribes: Thomas Wilson and Medicine.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 34, no. 5 (September-October 1960): 414–418

“Applying Old World Habits to the New: Life in South Carolina at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 1 (November 1961): 51–59.

“Hyrne Family Letters.” The South Carolina Historical Magazine, vol. 63, no. 63 (July 1962) 150-157.

“Russian Architecture and City Planning.” Yearbook. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1964.

“Russian Architecture and Town Planning.” Yearbook. Philadelphia: American PhilosophicalSociety, 1966.

The United States and Eastern Europe. Drafted Report of the 31st American Assembly, April 27–30, 1967, Arden House, Harriman, NY.

“Changing the Face of Moscow: The Classical and the Modern.” The University of Bridgeport Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 4 (Winter 1970): 8-11.

“William Hastie, Scottish Planner of Russian Cities.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 114, no. 3 (June 18, 1970): 226–243.

“The Restoration of Moscow after 1812.” Slavic Review, vol. 40, no. 1 (Spring 1981): 37–48.

“Thomas Wilson.” The House of Commons: The Tudor. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the History of Parliament Trust, 1981.

“Architecture in Nineteenth Century Russia: The Enduring Classic.” In Art and Culture in Nineteenth-century Russia. Edited by. Theofanis George Stavrou. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

“Monuments.” Encyclopedia of Soviet Law. 2nd rev. ed. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 28. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985, pp. 521-522.

“The Soviet Legal System.” In Legal Traditions and Systems: An International Handbook. Edited by Alan N. Katz. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986.

“Social Justice in the USSR.” In Justice: Interdisciplinary and Global Perspectives. Edited by T.M. Thomas. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.

“Law and Perestroika.” University of Bridgeport Law Review, vol. 9, no. 2 (1988): 298-323.

“Reflecting on Glasnost.” The University of Bridgeport Quarterly (Fall 1988): 8-11.

“Soviet Legislation for Protection of Architectural Monuments: Background.” In The Impact of Perestroika on Soviet Law. Edited by Albert J. Schmidt. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 41. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1990.

“The Country Attorney in Late Eighteenth-Century England: Benjamin Smith of Horbling [Lincolnshire].” Law and History Review, vol. 8, no. 2 (Autumn 1990): 237–71.

“The Smiths of Horbling: Country Attorneys.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 54, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 143–176.

“Soviet Legal Developments 1917–1990: A Comment,” In Toward the “Rule of Law” in Russia?: Political and Legal Reform in the Transition Period. Edited by Donald D. Barry and Louis Rodriguez. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1992.

“The Smith-Kelham-Langdale Nexus: Country Attorneys, Family Connections, and London Business in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Lincolnshire Historical and Archaeological Journal, vol. 29 (1994): 17–27.

“Westernization as Consumption: Estate Building in the Moscow Region during the Eighteenth Century.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 139, no. 4 (December 1995): 380–419.

“Soviet Civil Law as Legal History: A Chapter or a Footnote.” In The Revival of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe: Essays in Honor of F.J.M. Feldbrugge, pp. 45–62. Edited by F.J.M. Feldbrugge, Donald D. Barry, George Ginsburgs, and William B. Simons. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 46. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1996.

“A Career in the Law: Clerkship and the Profession in Late Eighteenth-Century Lincolnshire.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 31 (1996): 29–41.

“Lawyer Professionalism in Rural England: Changes in Routines and Rewards in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 32 (1997): 25–39.

“Hastie and His Albums: Publicizing and Imposing Architectural Style in Catherinian and Alexandrian Russia.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 143, no. 2 (June 1999): 208–232.

“Marketing Property in Eighteenth-Century England: Lawyer History in the Huntington Library’s Stowe Collection.” Huntington Library Quarterly, vol. 62, nos. 1-2 (1999): 115–143.

“From Provincial to Professional: Attorney Robert Kelham (1717–1808) in Eighteenth-century London.” The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present, vol. 25, no. 2 (2000): 96–109.

“Toward the Rule of Law: Kosovo 2000 Elections.” Quinnipiac Law Review, vol. 20, no. 3 (Winter, 2001), 467–486.

“Partners and their Times: The Smith Firm in History.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 37 (2002): 34–43.

“Provincial to Professional: The Mentalité of Attorney James Coulthard (1718–86).” Quinnipiac Law Review, vol. 22 (2003): 213-233.

“The Smith Firm’s Partners and their Times: A Postscript.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 39 (2004): 46–51.

“From Victorian Lincolnshire to L’Époque de Worth Paris.” Lincolnshire Past and Present, vol. 67 (Spring 2007): 13–19.

“Lawyering and Politics in Lincolnshire: the Smith-Heathcote Connection, 1760s to 1850s.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 44 (2009): 31–41.

“Soviet Law and Perestroika Revisited.” In The Legal Dimension in Cold-War Interactions: Some Notes from the Field, pp. 41-54. Edited by Tatiana Borisova and William B. Simons. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 62. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2012.

“An Oath of Allegiance to King-George III, 1781-1804.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 48 (2013): 56–58

“Allegiance to King George III: Loyalism, Property and Taxes in the Lives of South Lincolnshire Countrymen, 1781-1804.” Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, vol. 48 (2013): 59–69.

“Soviet Law and Perestroika Revisited.” In In The Legal Dimension in Cold-War Interactions: Some Notes from the Field, pp. 41-54. Edited by Tatiana Borisova and William B. Simons. Law in Eastern Europe, vol. 62. Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2012.

“Variety and Adventure in the Life of Carl Linden: A Tribute.” Perspectives on Political Science, vol. 43, no. 3 (July-September 2014): 113-115.

Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals:

American Historical Review

American Journal of Comparative Law

American Journal of Legal History

Continuity and Change

Criminal Law Forum


Jahrbucher Geschichte Osteuropas

Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Journal of Modern History

Journal of Social History

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians

Law and History Review


North American Review

Russian History

Russian Review

Slavic and East European Journal

Slavic Review

Soviet Union/Union Sovietique

Stanford Journal of International Law

University of Bridgeport Law Review

Popular Articles:

A Three-Part Series on European Waterways:

  • “The Waterways and Canals of Milan,” Along the Towpath: A Quarterly publication of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Association, vol. XLII, no. 2 (June 2010): 16-17.
  • “Artefacts of Industrial England,” Along the Towpath, vol. XLII, no. 3 (September 2010): 19–20.
  • Waterways of the German North: Strategy and Commerce,” Along the Towpath, vol. XLIV, no. 3 (September 2012): 8–9.


Old Lions Department: Architectural Historian Albert Schmidt at 92

Interview with Erik Moshe, History News Network, June 10, 2018:

Conversation with Albert J. Schmidt: A Soldier’s Education

by Michael Dolan, World War II Magazine, September 8, 2017: A conversation with Albert J. Schmidt, A Soldier’s Education

A World War II Veteran’s History

Albert John Schmidt, interview with Peter Kouretsos, Veterans History Project, Library of Congress, recorded February 9, 2013 (posted April 29, 2014):

Short Description and links:

Albert John Schmidt Collection

A World War II Veteran’s History video:

Albert and Kathryn Schmidt Remember the Great Depression

interview with Christine Schmidt, StoryCorps, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, May 12, 2020:

“Albert and Kathryn Schmidt remember the Great Depression of the 1930s and offer wisdom for 2020,”


National and Community Service:

U.S. Army Air Forces (Sgt.): 13th Jungle AAF, New Guinea & Philippines (1944–46)

Board of Trustees, Church Housing for Fairfield (1969-72)

Member, Special Task Force for the ‘Seventies, Fairfield, CT. Board of Education (1970–72)

Board of Trustees, Greater Bridgeport Symphony (1970s)

Member, Ethics Commission, Town of Fairfield, CT (1983-88).

Member, National Lobby Corps, League of Women Voters (1992–2010); chair (1998–2004)

Volunteer Docent, Historical Society of Washington, DC (1991–98)

Volunteer, White House, Old Executive Office Building (1993)

Volunteer Docent, Decatur House, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington, DC (1995–99).

Volunteer Fund-Raiser, Women’s National Democratic Club (1997)

Volunteer Docent, National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC (1997–2013)

Elections Supervisor: Bosnia (1997, 1998); Kosovo (2000)

Member, Board of Directors, The Broadmoor Cooperative Apartments (2002–04)